
New manager

Monday this week our manager in Hearthstone Andreas “Drakeblood” Asgrimplass was coming to us and did say he needet to step down from the manager job beacuse of  Personal circumstances. After some thinking and talking we found the perfect replacement. Andreas “Renwick” Ulstein Mork. Renwick is allrdy haveing plans for how the Hearthstone  group gone work and what he  expects from the players. We did ask renwick some question about what he thinked about the new job.

  • Why did you say yes to be a manager insted of continue as a player in Air E-sport? I've always loved the role as an organizer and with a team where I'm far from the strongest player I feel that we are utilizing our strengths better if I can organize and the rest of our roster can focus fully on their performance on ladder and the upcoming tournaments

  • What do you think of the new players from Ukraine and Russia? I have not had the time to talk to them or play with them yet but I've heard they are solid players and a good addition to our roster. I'm looking forward to working with them and I'm confident they will be  a good fit for Air E-sport

  • What will be the most demanding of the job? With several new additions to our rooster it might take some time to figure out which players works best together, how the team dynamics will be and the potential of each player. The competition will  be fierce and I'll need to find a balance between listening to the players wishes and make decisions based on individual performance.

  • What is the first thing you gone do as a manager? The first and most important thing is to get to know our new players and to have a talk with each individual player to map out their expectations for the coming seasons and tournaments. It's important to have individual goals for our players as well as common goals as a team.

We also did ask Bjørnar Teigen that is CEO for Air E-sport about the new manager and what he did think about the plans he have for the hearthstone grup. 

The board and management of Air E-sport are pleased that we have received a replacement in such a short time and as equally skilled and experienced as Drakeblood. We have full confidence in Renwicks plans and we feel that we are ready for the new season.

If you wish to know Renwick bether take and follow him on twitter: https://twitter.com/Renwick_HS